About us

About Kaizen Craft

What happens during those last phases of your construction project when the final goal is almost near–The ultimate day you turn the keys over to the owner. It is during these last stages of the construction cycle that heightened attention to details and securement of all final assets and finishes thereof are critical. Sourcing the proper, skilled and effective post construction cleaning crew is a fragile decision to make at this stage. Timing is of the essence, productivity and efficiency are key to closing out project timelines…And, the clock ticks. The last concern you need is a jobsite laden with months of rough debris accumulated at all exterior corners, nails throughout, dusty units with oversprayed windows and crown molding, drywall-dust covered fixtures and sawdust filled cabinets.
We at KaizenCraft come from industry. We understand both the pressing investment development cycle and construction scope, orchestrating multiple trades in tandem, sequencing schedules on your Gantt charts, and managing supplier relationships all while keeping a tight timeline to transition your development, and turn the keys of a brand-new, remarkably spotless building over to its new owners. And Building Owners, worry not! Our KaizenCraft Cleaning & Maintenance division is here to help manage the enduring life-cycle of continued cleaning and maintenance for your building’s continued operations once stabilized with tenants.

Explore our services

View our wide range of specialized building solutions and post construction cleaning services.

At Kaizen Craft, we understand the importance of maintaining a safe and organized work environment amidst the chaos of construction.

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